Sayap Ibu Foundation chose to accept an abandoned child after conducting a background check on the child to ensure that the child is in need for our care, such as in condition where a chilld is:
- Abandoned in the hospital or random places
- Does not have a parents or close relatives
- Is handed by the parents for a reason
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With the permision from the Government, Sayap Ibu Foundation provides the service of adoption
as stated in the SK Menteri Sosial RI No.23/HUK/KM/1982 and Keputusan Gurbenur Kepala Daerah
Khusus Ibukota Jakarta No.DIII/7817/a/8/1976
The adoption procedure is prioritized for couples who has been married for 5 years
and havent had any children or have had one children only. Adoption by foreigner is allowed
in accordance to the existing rules and regulation. Furthermore, Sayap Ibu Foundation also
provide assistance in the legal process of adopting a child that is not from our foundation.